Websites starting with 'c':
The purpose of the Daily Log is to record all criminal incidents, alleged criminal incidents and fire incidents that are reported to the Baylor University Police Department (BUPD).
Campus Living & Learning creates diverse residential environments (housing) that support learning and faith development through relationally driven communities. Students will experience a community that enables them to author the life they have been called to live.
An online version of the map of the Waco campus of Baylor University. This site includes a directory of all facilities on the Waco campus, driving directions to campus and to selected facilities frequented by the public.
Campus Recreation engages students and the Baylor community in experiential learning, recreational and leisure activities that equip individuals to live balanced, holistic and healthy lifestyles. Baylor Campus Recreation is a place for ALL students.
Baylor University’s Campus Services provides industry leading service in the areas of bookstore operations, copier services, dining services, guest housing and mail services.
We're glad you're interested in Baylor and invite you to come see where you could live, learn and grow as a future Bear. We offer many different options for you and your family to visit campus, take a tour, or connect with the Undergraduate Admissions team.
Canvas is an online course/organization management system.
The Baylor University Career Center is to ensure each student has the opportunity and support to achieve their career potential.
Online catering management system by Field + Fork Catering.
The Center for Academic Success & Engagement (CASE) educates and empowers all students to discover and engage in effective paths for academic and personal thriving through learning strategies, self-management tools, holistic support, and a sense of belonging in the Baylor community.
The Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics, and Engineering Research (CASPER) is a partnership between Baylor University and Texas State Technical College-Waco (TSTC) focusing on Space Research.
The Center for Christian Music Studies was founded at Baylor University with the intent to provide leadership in all aspects of Christian music within today's society. As we continually strive to become a preeminent Christian music center worldwide, we foster the growth and effectiveness of efforts, utilizing Christian music to it's God-given potential.
The Center for Community Research and Development (CCRD) is a multidisciplinary research entity with a mission of engaging Baylor faculty and students in applied social research aimed at improving the local quality of life.
The Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development focuses on the intellectual, academic, social, and emotional needs of gifted children and adolescents in Texas, and assist those who parent, teach, and otherwise work with them.
The Center for Global Engagement seeks to coordinate and facilitate the efforts of individuals and groups throughout the campus to transform the world through international travel, research, and study, through the development of greater cultural competency and understanding, and through support for an increasingly diverse campus community.
Our primary focus is to walk alongside congregational and mission leaders through learning opportunities and collaborative efforts to equip and encourage those who are leaders in Kingdom work. We are engaging with pastors, pastoral staff, key lay leaders, young ministers (currently in seminary and recently graduated), leaders of mission efforts, and innovative missional leaders in a variety of contexts to learn together and encourage one another.
Baylor University's Center for Professional Selling is dedicated to excellence in sales education. Based in the university's Hankamer School of Business, the sales center is recognized as one of the premier information and leadership resources for collegiate students and sales professionals in the nation.
A research and education partnership between Baylor University and the City of Waco focused on aquatic resources. This Center is a natural outflow of many years of collaboration between these institutions as over the years Baylor and the City have each developed significant water-related expertise and capabilities.
This application is provided for academic department chairs and their administrative assistants. It allows updating of class instructor and class max seats and provides class rosters and available seats information, as well as basic information on individual students. ChairSIS directly accesses the University's Student Information System.
The Baylor Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1919, exists to preserve and protect the traditions of Baylor University.
When every student completes their time at Baylor, we want them to be able to identify a community of mentors, peers, and ministers who walked alongside them in their spiritual growth and development. Finding your people is about establishing yourself in a unique community that can support you in good and hard times, navigate the difficult questions, encourage and challenge you spiritually, and show you a picture of the flourishing Christian life. Chapel experiences are the start of this journey.
The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Baylor University offers a unique combination of direct faculty-student training and mentoring, graduate student-operated instrumentation, and growth-focused education leading to impactful science. Our department operates in a close-knit and friendly community. We have research programs in the core areas of chemistry along with more interdisciplinary programs in chemical biology, bioinorganic chemistry, biomedical science and imaging, bioanalytical chemistry, and astrochemistry.
The Cherry Award program is designed to honor great teachers, to stimulate discussion in the academy about the value of teaching, and to encourage departments and institutions to value their own great teachers.
The Chinese language is the key that opens the door to the house of China, which boasts a population of 1.1 billion people and a history of more than four millennia. It offers rare opportunities.
For nearly ninety years, the Baylor Choral Program has established a long tradition of leadership in choral music across the nation, abroad, and in every major concert venue in the United States.
The goal of the Christian Leadership and Ethics office in the Hankamer School of Business (HSB) is to help students, alumni and other stakeholders grow in two primary ways. First, we provide programs that help leaders exemplify and communicate the importance of ethical behavior and service in addition to maximizing profit. Second, we provide programs that help leaders identify and live out their vocational calling.
The Christian Leadership Institute is a four-day leadership initiative offered by Baylor University for rising high school seniors that have an interest in growing their leadership skillset from a Christian perspective and Biblical worldview.
The online home of "Christian Reflection: A Series in Faith and Ethics". This innovative signature publication of "The Institute for Faith and Learning". Its themed articles, inspirational pieces, book reviews, interviews, Christian art, liturgies, and hymns help the Church reintegrate Christian ethical reflection, worship, and art. Free study guides are available on this website to enrich personal or group study.
As a Christian university, we enjoy a wonderful freedom to celebrate Christmas as the hope it represents through the birth of our Savior. We hope you will join us in our Christmas celebration.
Whether in politics, the church, on campus or within our families, there is a need for civil discourse. While we may not always agree, civil discourse requires mutual respect and objectivity without hostility – demonstrating an appreciation for the experiences of others.
Against this backdrop, and with our call to be salt of the earth and light of the world, Baylor University is offering a range of conversations, trainings and presentations focused on civil discourse – acknowledging this topic is especially important as we strive to be a marketplace of ideas and extend the love of Christ toward others.
The Civil Rights office handles matters concerning equal opportunity, affirmative action, and unlawful harassment or discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics. We also offer education, training, support, and resources related to these issues.
The home page of the Classics department.
This application provides faculty access to their class rosters in their choice of three formats - Excel/Micrograde, e-mail address book, and formatted for printing. ClassRoll directly accesses the University's Student Information System.
n the spring of 2020, the Baylor faculty had the opportunity to complete the Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey which provided actionable data about the conditions, the environment, policies and practices that support faculty doing their best work.
The College of Arts and Sciences offers a comprehensive range of programs through its 25 academic departments. Scholarly teaching is at the core of the College's identity.
College of Arts and Sciences Advisement (CASA) is an advising house that offers academic advising for undergraduates and which provides resources and institutional coordination for departmental and program advisors. CASA is dedicated to offering professional academic expertise within a scholarly community of creativity, hospitality, and care.
Baylor University stands apart as a Christian research university. Our faculty deeply value teaching and mentoring students while also pursuing research and scholarship at the highest levels. At Baylor, learning takes place in the classrooms and in the educational experiences outside the classroom that expand knowledge and help prepare students as leaders in an ever-changing global society.
The Collegiate Licensing Department is responsible for protecting, controlling, and enforcing the use of Baylor indices used on products, in promotions, and in advertising.
An award which is generously provided by the Carr P. Collins Foundation in order to recognize and honor outstanding teachers at Baylor University.
Annually, Baylor University celebrates the completion of thousands of students undergraduate and graduate degrees during seasonal graduation ceremonies. For more information please visit the official home page of Baylor commencement.
On June 26, 2020, the Baylor University Board of Regents announced its unanimous approval of the “Resolution on Racial Healing and Justice,” acknowledging Baylor’s historical connections to slavery and the Confederacy and establishing the Commission on Historic Campus Representations. Working in a thorough, prayerful and efficient manner, the 26 members of the Commission faithfully fulfilled their charge to review the historical record and context of the University and its early leaders and to evaluate and offer guidance regarding all statues, monuments, buildings and other aspects of the campus within this context.
The home page of the department of Communication Sciences & Disorders.
The home page of the department of Communication.
Stories showcasing the work, events, activities and accomplishments of the Diana R. Garland School of Social Work.
Baylor University values its most important asset, its people. In support of Baylor University's Christian mission, Human Resources partners with its leadership and supervisory management to provide a market relevant competitive total compensation program, which includes pay and fringe benefits.
As society becomes immersed in the Information Age, the computing discipline has become an integral aspect of our world today. Computer scientists are more than just programmers. They work to solve problems from all walks of life. One may be involved in science exploring the mysteries of the universe and another may be involved in medical research. A computer scientist may be solving problems with engineers in design and implementation projects while another makes extensive use of computers in music, art, or business information processing.
Congregational social workers provide leadership in more than one, and sometimes all, of these purposes. In fact, the broader their work is in addressing all four purposes of congregational life, the more central they are to the life of the congregation. While some of these purposes are outside of the church walls, all four work together to create a healthy and impactful congregation.
The home page for learning about and accessing Baylor's website Content Management System.
Furthering the university's commitment to transformational education by providing lifelong personal enrichment and professional development opportunities.
Learn more about the contract review and approval process on the Procurement Services website.
The purpose of the Controller's Office is to record accurate and timely entries to the University's accounting system, to maintain the system of fixed assets, and to provide timely and accurate financial statements and reports.
Copy Services provides a full service copy and print center available to all students, faculty, staff and auxiliary service providers serving the Baylor University community.
It is the policy of Baylor University to fully respect all rights that exist in any material protected by the copyright laws of the United States while also encouraging usage of the material that furthers the educational mission of Baylor. The details of this policy can be found in the BU-PP (Draft Copyright Policy). This site provides guidance to faculty, staff, and students on the usage of copyrighted material; however, this site is not comprehensive.
The Baylor College of Arts & Sciences unified core curriculum, designed to be "taught within a community of Christian scholars, enables men and women to acquire the knowledge, skills, and virtues needed to uncover and recognize truth, to deepen their faith, to live virtuously, to strengthen their communities, and to affect the world in transformative ways."
This website provides Baylor University students, faculty, staff, parents and visitors with the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and Waco-McLennan County Public Health District about the evolving Novel (new) Coronavirus (COVID-19) global outbreak.
Assist students in obtaining quality psychological services and counseling appropriate to their needs, including individual and group therapy and assessment services.
Baylor’s course catalogs provide the list of academic programs, degree requirements, and academic policies for each academic year. Baylor produces five catalogs Undergraduate, Graduate, Law, Seminary, and Social Work.
The Creative Arts Experience (CAE) engages students in the fine arts community at Baylor, providing enriching programs of art, music, theatre, film, and literature, with the additional focus of these arts as seen through the lens of world cultures.
Current and prospective Baylor students may receive credit for select Baylor courses through the Credit by Examination program. Links to policies and procedures and to the various testing options (AP, CLEP, IB, etc.) are located in the sidebar on the left of your screen. You must have an official score report sent to Baylor for evaluation of credit.
The faculty and administration in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction are committed to preparing outstanding teachers and professional educators. Graduates of the teacher education program work in a variety of educational settings in the U. S. and throughout the world. Both the undergraduate teacher preparation program and the graduate educator preparation program are NCATE accredited. Undergraduate and graduate program degrees, certifications, licensure, and supplemental endorsements are offered at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels (see Certification and Advising for more information).