Websites starting with 'D':

Defense Research

For generations, Baylor University has partnered with the Department of Defense in education, research and training. Service and leadership are embedded within our University mission, foundational values that invigorate our long-term partnership. As Baylor pursues a bold new research vision, we are poised like never before to build on that legacy.

Department of Public Health

The Department of Public Health at Baylor University is a team of scientists committed to measuring health, promoting health equity, improving the well-being of vulnerable and underserved populations in every community, and training the next generation of public health researchers and practitioners. 

Department of Public Safety

The University's Department of Public Safety which also contains the following areas: Fire Safety, Emergency Preparedness, Parking and Transportation and Baylor Alerts.

Department of Student Media

The Department of Student Media challenges students to explore diverse outlets and opportunities.

Department of Wellness

The Department of Wellness provides health education programs that help Baylor students develop healthy lifestyles and cultivate a culture of wellness on campus through knowledge and behavior change.


Baylor's Diadeloso (Day of the Bear) tradition is a day off from school during the spring when students enjoy games, tournaments, shows, and more.

Diana R. Garland School of Social Work

The mission of the Diana R. Garland School of Social Work at Baylor University is to prepare social workers in a Christian context for worldwide service and leadership.

Digital Humanities

The intersection of the humanities with data and computing technologies.

Dining Services

Dining on campus is a quintessential part of the overall college experience! Check out our dining locations to see all of the wonderful options we offer! Stay current with hours of operation and events via our social media channels.

Doctor of Physical Therapy

We offer an innovative and accelerated DPT program that allows completion of your degree requirements in two years. Our blended learning format combines best practices in distance education, on-campus lab immersion sessions, and clinical education experiences to prepare you as a future Doctor of Physical Therapy and servant leader in this remarkable profession.

Drupal Content Management System

Baylor's new content management system is a tool for academic and administrative units to create and manage websites. The system is based on Drupal and has been designed to support over 1,000 users and hundreds of websites.